Nady Gustave

Nady Gustave works at Deutsche Bank in Group Audit as a Principal Auditor covering the Private Banking division. In this capacity, she evaluates the effectiveness of key controls established by the business. Nady has experience in regulatory and control management. In her previous position at the bank, she collaborated with stakeholders across multiple businesses and senior executives to submit Deutsche Bank’s highly confidential recovery and resolution plans to global regulators. Also, Nady is a Deutsche Bank Women on Wall Street Mentoring Program graduate. She has worked for several investment banks, gaining experience in business transformation, process re-engineering, governance, program management, and executive communication.
On a more personal level, Nady is passionate about advocating for education equality for women and children. Her passion for volunteering inspired her to mentor for four years with America Needs You, an organization that supports first-generation college students. Moreover, she was selected to join the America Needs You – Mentor Leadership Council, an initiative to foster mentors’ engagement and recruit future mentors.
Nady graduated from the Duke Fuqua School of Business and double majored in international business and finance, as well as minored in marketing from the University of South Florida. Nady does not miss an opportunity to travel the world and loves to embrace the adventure of the unknown when globetrotting.